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Muskuloskeletal Physiotherapy​


Musculoskeletal physiotherapy focuses on the biomechanical and structural rehabilitation of the client, with targeted goals to maximise the individual’s functional movement so they can return to normal daily activities. This type of therapy is most commonly used to address accidental injuries, sports injuries and resolving physical impairment due to lifestyle and ageing.


Conditions treated





Acupuncture is a key component of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) in which thin needles are inserted into the body. Acupuncture aims to reduce pain and inflammation, and stimulate the body’s own healing chemicals. This promotes homeostasis (the bodies state of balance), which aids recovery and enhances rehabilitation. Your body is then able to achieve better results with other modalities, such as rehabilitation, strength and conditioning.


The very fine needles used in acupuncture are simply used to stimulate the flow of the QI (also know as the meridians), which channels through the body. The QI can be stimulated at skin layer, which then triggers the necessary chemical response in deeper muscles and organs.


Learn more about our team and the range of non ACC acupuncture services offered at

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